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New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 16
When Lucky said that they were going to explore the old smuggler’s tunnels under New Orange, Celeste pictured something out of The Goonies: tunnels carved through soil and rock that opened into giant caverns hung with stalactites and cascading waterfalls.
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 15
“Took you long enough,” Lucky said when Celeste let herself into his building from the alley behind the bar.
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 14
Celeste scanned the store, trying to locate another clerk or a manager to help her. But the haggard employee behind the counter seemed to be the only employee in the store.
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 13
“You’re a dragon!” She clenched her fists in excitement. Then she remembered that dragons didn’t like attention. Or loud noise, for that matter.
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 12
What were the odds?
Actually, pretty high, given her bad luck. She licked her lips and eyed the door, wondering if she could turn around and leave without drawing his notice.
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 11
Celeste thought of how a story about the mishap in the basement might read.
Owner Baffled, Bamboozled as Bar Basement Broken