New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 7

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 7

“How do we catch a Leprechaun?” Celeste asked. “You grasp it by the heel.” Scaevola smirked at her. “I thought everyone knew that.” “We did know that!” Celeste waved her hands in the air. “Was my answer unhelpful?” He tsked. “Perhaps you’re not asking the right...
A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 6

A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 6

Lucky’s single-room apartment upstairs from the bar had a murphy bed that folded up into the wall to form a kitchen table. Celeste’s boss sat there nursing a steaming mug of coffee and a toaster pastry when she walked in that morning.  The words ‘Breakfast of...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 5

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 5

She put it from her mind, pasted her friendly barmaid smile on her face and crossed the room to the centaurs. Both of them were built like draft horses but with thick, barreled human torsos. One wore a buttoned tuxedo shirt. His rolled-up sleeves revealed muscular...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 4

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 4

From behind the bar, Lucky pursed his lips when Celeste squelched her way through the front door.  “What happened to you?” He asked.  “I got caught in the rain,” Celeste spread her hands as if the answer should be obvious. “Rain?” Lucky looked out the front...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 3

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into A Bar Part 3

From behind the bar, Lucky pursed his lips when Celeste squelched her way through the front door.  “What happened to you?” He asked.  “I got caught in the rain,” Celeste spread her hands as if the answer should be obvious. “Rain?” Lucky looked out the front...