New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 13

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 13

The first address of the ones that had been hit by whatever it was that trashed Lucky’s stockroom was a textile warehouse just outside of Hell’s Kitchen in the Garment District. As Celeste left the neighborhoods of Lucky’s bar behind, she marveled at the way the...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 11

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 11

Since starting to work on the school newspaper in junior high, Celeste had gotten into the habit of composing stories out of significant things that happened to her. It had become a handy way for her to process her day. Now, as she knelt...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 9

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 9

The designers of Guinness’ Pub used an architectural style that Celeste would call aggressively Irish and proud of it. The front was made up entirely of French windows painted green with gold trim below a red and gold sign. The whole front was festooned with gold,...
New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 8

New Fiction: A Wizard Walks Into a Bar Part 8

“Seamus’ usual watering hole is a place called Guinness’ out near Chelsea,” Lucky told Celeste once they were out on the street again. “Let’s swing by there and see if we can catch up to him.” “What’s the plan?” Celeste asked. She hurried alongside...